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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1-317

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Hypercubic Sorting Networks

Tom Leighton and C. Greg Plaxton

pp. 1-47

The Shrinkage Exponent of de Morgan Formulas is 2

Johan HÅ stad

pp. 48-64

Shared Memory Consistency Conditions for Nonsequential Execution: Definitions and Programming Strategies

Hagit Attiya, Soma Chaudhuri, Roy Friedman, and Jennifer L. Welch

pp. 65-89

Two-Dimensional Periodicity in Rectangular Arrays

Amihood Amir and Gary Benson

pp. 90-106

A Fast Discrete Approximation Algorithm for the Radon Transform

Martin L. Brady

pp. 107-119

Value Sets of Some Polynomials Over Finite Fields

Thomas W. Cusick

pp. 120-131

Optimal Upward Planarity Testing of Single-Source Digraphs

Paola Bertolazzi, Giuseppe Di Battista, Carlo Mannino, and Roberto Tamassia

pp. 132-169

Linear and Time Minimum-Cost Matching Algorithms for Quasi-Convex Tours

Samuel R. Buss and Peter N. Yianilos

pp. 170-201

Space-Efficient Scheduling of Multithreaded Computations

Robert D. Blumofe and Charles E. Leiserson

pp. 202-229

Simulating Threshold Circuits by Majority Circuits

Mikael Goldmann and Marek Karpinski

pp. 230-246

Fully Polynomial Byzantine Agreement for Processors in Rounds

Juan A. Garay and Yoram Moses

pp. 247-290

An O(log k) Approximate Min-Cut Max-Flow Theorem and Approximation Algorithm

Yonatan Aumann and Yuval Rabani

pp. 291-301

A SubLinear Time Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Weight Spanning Trees

Juan A. Garay, Shay Kutten, and David Peleg

pp. 302-316

Erratum: Conditions for Optimality of the Huffman Algorithm

D. Stott Parker, Jr.

p. 317